INFO & Frequently asked questions.
Love craft info & FAQ
Here is a little information to help you understand our booking process.
Makkala’s books open periodically via her newsletter mailing list.
Please subscribe to our mailing list (on the home page) to receive updates about future book openings. We only take requests via the newsletter so be sure to keep an eye out.
The Atelier is based in the Bay of Plenty, New Zealand, however Makkala is currently traveling and also working in New York City at Grit N Glory.
The booking form requires the following information. be filled out, please be sure to provide us with:
• Your name and contact info (phone number)
• Your brief idea
• Any reference you would like your artist to see or be inspired by
• Your height
• Where you are travelling from
• A placement photo of the space on your body where you would like the tattoo, as your artist uses the photos to design on. - A photo taken with you in a relaxed position by someone else is most useful and helps hugely in the process.
Sometimes we may need an in person consult, which you can request in your message to us.
• Multiple photos of any portraits (pets or otherwise)
• Photos of any scarring/moles or existing tattoos in the area
Applications are taken via our online booking from available through our newsletter at the time of book openings.
Makkala Rose
In New Zealand, Tuesday|Wednesday|Thursday|Friday 10am - 5pm
In New York, Tuesday|Wednesday|Thursday|Friday 10am - 6pm
Guest Artists
Please check the Guest Artist page for dates
The studio is open by appointment only.
Local rates are available through our newsletter a the time of Makkala’s books opening for specific locations.
Once our newsletter is out with a book opening you will be able to fill out the application form. If your idea is selected you will be emailed with a link to schedule a complimentary zoom consultation to go over your ideas and ask any questions. Consultations are 20 minutes and allow both you and your artists to discuss ideas for the tattoo and decide if you would like to go ahead.
Typically we prefer our clients to give us their brief idea and let us create our interpretation of it. If there’s anything specific it’s important to let us know in your initial application as a lot of time and planning goes into the designs.
We read through and consider all ideas and choose pieces we feel most drawn to and excited about.
We don’t tattoo everything, and if we can refer you to someone who we think is more suitable for the job, we will.
Often there are more requests than available spaces so if you miss out, feel free to apply again at the next round.
Occasionally we may post ‘ready-made’ designs
We typically book in 3-6 month periods and even if we don’t have time to fit you in this booking period you can apply again for the next one.
The faster you are at responding the more quickly you will be able to be booked in.
Often large pieces fill up our calendar rapidly as we require all appointments to be booked so our work is consistent, as over time our styles do develop. This is to give you our best possible work.
Securing your dates & Cancellation policy
ALL bookings require a deposit to secure them.
Deposits are $300 per appointment booked. This is payable via our online booking system, you are able to choose your own dates pending artist availability.
Once you’ve selected your dates in our online calendar you will be sent out a confirmation email with plenty of information for the day.
CANCELLATION/RESCHEDULE policy is noted in the booking process.
We ask that our clients give us creative freedom with their ideas to create the best possible, individual and unique piece.
An ideal example would be along the lines of; I would like a floral arrangement on my right forearm with strawberries and peonies along with a mixture of other flowers or I would like a portrait of my dog with roses.
This is so our Artists don’t feel overly restricted, as the most enjoyed pieces are created with a large amount of freedom, however it does help that you have an idea of what you would like your tattoo based around. We understand that there are some things that you may really love to include or leave out and these are always taken into consideration when selecting ideas we take on so please include these in your initial request!
An example could be ‘I would not like to have any roses, but I would like blackberry included, or I would like my dogs portrait with peach peonies and for her collar to be excluded’ and that’s totally ok! This allows us to expand more and become more creative with each piece so they remain unique to their wearer.
Please note that when your tattoo is designed, each element is carefully considered and your artist will position and design these how they best fit the body, this is something we won’t compromise on as the structure of the tattoo is integral to the end result looking it’s best!
Our artists puts their all into each design and these take a long time to create, so please know everything about your finished design is intentional.
It is not unusual for you to not see a design until the day before or the day of your appointment.
Designs may be available for viewing the night before by request via email or during your consultation
Please be very clear with your design requests to prevent us wasting precious time with re-designs. If you are not comfortable with this method another artist will be better suited to you.
We like to start and finish larger pieces within 3-6 months so neither the client or artist lose interest as our style process of working steadily evolves.
All of your appointments we expect to need will be given to you, and deposits will be required for each appointment.
Yes, we tattoo over most scars, but do require a consult in person to see what is able to be achieved.
This is important, because without knowing the texture of the skin and density of the scar we’re at a loss for how to design a piece to best suit.
However, if your scarring is light and flat to the touch it may not require an in person consultation.
We typically like scars to be at LEAST three years old.
Please send photos with your booking request so we are able to let you know.
We will only tattoo cover ups with previous laser lightening, or if we feel we can achieve the same desired result without it.
Laser lightening gives us more scope on creating a beautiful piece you actually want rather than being limited by what you already have.
We will need you to send photos in your email of your exisiting work.
We do not finish off any other tattooers work or add on to their existing pieces.
Makkala works in colour only.
Guests work is a variety of styles and within black and grey or colour depending on the artist.
Unfortunately at this time we are unable to accommodate having extra people in the studio space as it is small, however your support person is welcome to pop in at the beginning and end of the day.
We will do our absolute best to accommodate you with your available dates (please specify these in your email) and also work back to back days if required.
Payment is in the local currency.
Aftercare instructions will be provided to you at the time of booking and again verbally on the day of your appointment.
We recommend Hustle Butter tattoo aftercare and like to also use Dermshield in most instances.
Your aftercare (Hustle Butter and Dermshield) is included with each session.
Other things to note
If you are pregnant or breastfeeding we will not tattoo you
If you are sunburned in the area we will not tattoo you
If you are sick or unwell you are required to reschedule asap
If you have any further questions please feel free to send us an email and we will do our best to help you.
Makkala really appreciate’s everyone’s support and thanks you all for waiting so patiently.
Thank you for being a part of her getting to do what she loves every day and create for people who enjoy her art and tattoos 🥰
With love,
Love Craft Atelier